Sunday, May 25, 2008

Archive Galore

I have revamped the Home Base, and am moving some older pieces here for archiving:

A poster I did for Ska Weekend 2007. Spring 2007; Photoshop.

An editorial piece on women's pay equality, it won third place & honorable mention for a competition sponsored by American Association of University Women and SCAD Career Services Department. March 2007; Ink dyes, gouache, & color pencils.

A skateboard I painted in acrylics for a gallery show in Atlanta last summer.

Wine label design. Fall 2006; Gouache & color pencils.

Stamp design about childhood. Winter 2007; Photoshop.

Cover & pages from my children's book, which can be read HERE. Fall 2006; Gouache, color pencils, & Photoshop.

Painted from a life model, approx 2 hours. Spring 2007; oils.

Also painted from a life model, approx 2 hours. Spring 2007; oils.

Drawn from life, approx 30 min. Spring 2007; charcoal.

Assignment about this incident. Fall 2006; Gouache & ink.

Self-portrait. Early 2006; C.F. Payne technique.


MATT said...

the infamous cf payne technique!

Shiho (Shippo) Hoshino said...

i love the skateboard boy!:) and good job on the new look for the website! i love the heart character!

Yukiko Adachi said...

matt: Indeedy. Whatever happened to C.F. Payne supposedly coming to teach at SCAD??

shiho: Thanks! That one was challenging but tons of fun.
Yeah, expect to see the heart character popping up in more places!